Back Support

In June we looked at Side Support through the shape of the Isosceles Triangle. For the next two months we will look at variations on this theme by turning the Triangle onto its back!

Back Support requires you to ‘collect’ all the things you’ve learned about control and stability, like the connection between sternum and pubic bone as you engage your front and side abdominal muscles; lengthening the spine as you did in The Saw; that strong connection between shoulders and shoulder blades and the long line from the shoulders to toes that you felt in ‘Side Support’.

We’ll do this in a couple of steps.

Kneeling Theraband Lat Press

Wrap a theraband around a fixed object and start kneeling holding the theraband ends in each hand. Find your tallest self in this position and make sure your head, ribcage and pelvis are all completely stacked on top of each other. As you exhale, draw the theraband back as far as you can without changing the position of your head, ribcage or pelvis. Hold for 10 seconds as you continue to breathe, and then release the theraband with control. Repeat 6-8 times. 

After doing this exercise you should feel fired up through the back of your arms, the back of your shoulders and the back of your legs/hips – all of which you need during your back support too.

Back Support Prep

Start sitting with bent legs, feet on floor, hands placed slightly behind hips with fingers facing into torso.

Exhale and press hips up to ceiling. Lightly glance down along the length of your body to ensure your hips are even. Try for a 90 degree angle at the knees so that your knees are directly above your ankles. Do 3-6 times, coming down with control each time.

Once you feel your body is in a long, strong line, lets move to the next part.



Back Support

Sit with your legs extended out long in front of you, heels are anchored to the floor. Hands are placed slightly behind the hips again with fingers facing into torso.

Exhale and press hips up to the ceiling. Hips are even and legs are parallel.  Do 3-6 times, coming down with control each time.

Perhaps you can do timed holds? Start with 10 seconds and increase up to 30 seconds.



Things to watch out for when you are not doing this exercise under supervision:

  • Press through floor with your hands to stop your shoulders from sinking
  • Think about keeping the imaginary string between your breastbone and pubic bone connected. This will prevent you from arching your upper back
  • If your wrists are sore, then form a fist with your hands or try turning your fingers away from your torso
  • Keep the back of the neck long, don’t let it tip back
  • If you start to shake with the effort of an isometric hold then come down to the start position and hold for less time

What you will feel

  • A lovely, strong connection at your shoulders, they will feel wide and open at the front
  • Your glutes will be working to maintain hip position